Honestly, $60 a month for that much space is still insanely affordable — but if you open a Business G Suite account with a single user (so only $12/mo), you still get unlimited storage. Each user is $12/month, and so you'd have to pay $60/month to get unlimited storage. Officially, in order to get unlimited storage, you must get a Business G Suite with 5 users. There is one solution, however, that provides unlimited storage for a set monthly price. There are plenty of cloud-based storage solutions available, but they are all either very limited in storage space, or very expensive per GB. Plus, it mounts exactly like a local NAS! A Look at G Suite for Business The storage is unlimited for $12/month, and after 6 months or so, I can tell you it's a viable alternative to local storage. Rather than spend a few thousand dollars on a new NAS, however, I decided to host my files in the cloud. Thanks to ripping DVDs and Blurays, I was so very, very wrong. Granted, thanks to RAID6 I only (only!) have 36TB of usable space, but still, I assumed that would last me forever. The video below explains how it all works.I have a 48TB NAS in my basement. To get started, sign up for Local Guides, and download the Android or iPhone app. Level 5 (500+ points): The very top Local Guides will become eligible to apply to attend our inaugural summit in 2016, where you’ll be able to meet other top Guides from around the world, explore the Google campus, and get the latest info about Google Maps.Level 4 (200 - 499 points): Receive a free 1 TB upgrade of your Drive storage, allowing you to keep all the stories, photos, and videos from your travels in one safe place.Level 3 (50 - 199 points): Show up in the Google Maps app with your official Local Guides badge.Level 2 (5 - 49 points): Get early access to new Google products and features.Level 1 (0 - 4 points): Enter exclusive contests (think new Google devices!) in select countries.On the Google Maps blog, Google reveals how the points system translates into rewards: Here you find out how you can earn points that can be used to level up and earn a variety of rewards. Update to the latest version of Google Maps on your phone, and you'll notice that there is a new Contributions option. Google has turned the program into something of a game, but it will take some time before you earn the free storage space.